National Motorcycle Day is celebrated on the second Friday in July. It's a day to celebrate and enjoy everything about motorcycles. No doubt, this is a day for you and your cycle. It's a day to hop on and savor the freedom of the open road. But, that's not all. This day is much more. It's a day to celebrate motorcycles and everyone who rides them, driver or passenger. It is also a time to enjoy being a member of a motorcycle club. And, let's not forget cycle dealers and manufacturers. They all share in the celebration and enjoyment of this day.
Do you hear the road calling? Sure you do! July is a great time of year to celebrate this holiday. The weather is perfect for riding, and it's the perfect time for taking vacation. Take a couple days off, or a whole week. Pack your bag. Now get on your motorcycle and ride off, wherever the road takes you. We do encourage you to being a friend of two. It's always much more enjoyable when you have company.
Dairyland Insurance, the sponsors of this holiday, encourage all motorcycle riders to hold and participate in charitable events that include riding your cycle.